A lot of the popular talk around sex is how it can be made more fun and enjoyable for women, but let’s not forget that it takes 2 to tango! If you’re feeling that maybe your man is being left behind in the sexual arena, then how about we come up with some fun ways to make it more enjoyable?
Here are some ideas to help get you started:
- Sex Toys
Yes, male sex toys are really a thing. Some men are not so sure about sex toys, with straight men thinking they are only for gay men, and unsure gay men thinking that they are only for weirdos…all we can say is that all of these men are missing out, massively. Special toys have been designed that can really enhance male pleasure, as well as help men to last longer, offering great pleasure to their partner in the process.
If your man is one of the unsure ones when it comes to sex toys, don’t force the issue. Do a bit of research in advance and talk to them about how you’d like to try something with toys. Start with simple, non-intimidating or non-invasive toys that will simply stimulate. Once you’ve opened that door, your man might then be open to trying additional things.
- Tell Him What You Want
We’re not sure if you’ve ever noticed this before, but guys love nothing more than to feel as though they’re giving their partner exactly what they want and need. If you communicate that to him, he’ll more than likely bend over backwards (perhaps literally) to do it for you. When a man has sex with another person and can be sure that they’ve done exactly what that person wanted, they enjoy the experience so much more.
Even if men are not outwardly forthcoming about their own fantasies, they’re invariably quite open to hearing about others’ needs and wants. Even just telling them what you want to do might heighten the sexual anticipation for them. You’ll only know if you try!
- Take Your Sex to New Locales
Sometimes, a reason for sex starting to feel dull or repetitive for one person in the relationship is that you’re always doing it in the same place. A change in location can really do wonders for creating a more exciting and stimulating sexual atmosphere. To be clear, we’re not advocating people going out to public parks to do it, but perhaps instead they could try a romantic or luxury hotel.
It doesn’t even have to be a high-end locale. Perhaps part of your fantasy is doing it somewhere cheap or more rundown. Hey, it’s your sex life. Change up the location to a place that suits your desires!
- Let Loose and Relax!
Sometimes, the enjoyment of sex can be diminished for men if they feel their partner is overly reserved or holding back. It can make them feel like they are playing in a one-man band. If you loosen up, relax, and let yourself be “carried away” in the act, then you can actually make the whole thing more enjoyable for the pair of you!
- How About You Initiate?
Does your man often initiate sex? How often could you honestly say that you do the honours? Just like switching up the locale, switching up the initiator can be a really exciting turn-on and make sex a lot more exciting. When you are the initiator, you can guide where the sex goes more, and that makes it more of a surprise for your man, and dials up the hot anticipation of what’s going to come next; what styles, what positions, what toys…the mind boggles!
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/people-man-woman-couple-lingerie-2589818/