Many people have heard about escorts as a highly paid job for girls. But there is an opinion that escorts are a part of the prostitute business. Is it really so? What is this job and who does it?
What is an escort really?
There are different opinions around the concept of “escort” in society. Both young slender divas and mature plump women are engaged in this activity. Why does this service exist? Often, German businessmen are forced to attend various events, such as business meetings, banquets, and dinner parties held in the capital city. Etiquette dictates the presence of a companion at such events, but businessmen do not always have wife or permanent partners. According to the unspoken rules, an attractive person should be next to an influential man. There is an option to invite an escort Berlin lady.
Work as an escort
Usually girls are well paid for accompanying rich men on business trips, at meetings, negotiations, presentations, and banquets. The escort girl must be:
- impeccably dressed, knows a lot about styles and fashion trends;
- knows how to keep up a conversation on general topics (art, news);
- knows etiquette;
- looks dignified, without a touch of vulgarity.
The duties of an escort girl include:
- Participate at a social event and business trips;
- decent behavior;
- the ability to maintain a conversation;
- playing a certain role (bride in love, girlfriend).
Unfortunately, there is a common misconception in society about who an escort girl is and what services they provide.
What is an escort service for men?
For clients this is a quick way to find a girl that matches their personal ideas of beauty. An escort is required to look successful in the eyes of business partners or competitors. For these reasons men turn to escort services for help. After all, the presence of a lady plays an important role.
With a gorgeous lady, it is not a shame to appear at a party, a fashion show or other events. A hired girl, if necessary, will portray a friend or a bride. Sometimes businessmen hire escort girls to accompany them on long trips or voyages.
As for intimacy, it can be said that not a single reputable agency will force employees to have sexual relations. When intimacy occurs by mutual sympathy between adults, it is their own business. The couple can spend their free time in a way they want to, but it will not be considered as a part of an agreement between client and escort agency.