
All About The Free sex videos

Sex is considered a taboo topic in many countries. A topic not to be discussed in public and front of people. People think wrongly about those who discuss topics like sex in public. Our education system is the worst. It teaches us things that we never require. It doesn’t teach about things that are much more important in life. And sex is one of those subjects that needs to be taught to young people. Sex education should be a must so children can have a clear perspective of these things. Sex is a part of life, and the school doesn’t teach about it. As children don’t have proper knowledge, they see these free sex videos to look for answers.

Do these videos cause any harm?

Seeing videos on these sites create a very different perspective towards sex among children, which is wrong. They start thinking that this must be the reality and often creates aggression. People create false imaginations by seeing these videos. People get influenced by such videos, which leads to an increase in the number of rapes.

Access to websites that provide free sex videos is often banned. More and more countries have started to ban them. But countries like the US is a big supplier of these videos. In India, the government banned most of these websites. But you know anything on the internet is accessible to everyone. No matter ban or not, and people find illegal ways to access these sites. VPN(Virtual Private Network), which connects a person to servers of another country, is often used that lifts the ban from the websites. Baning it will only result in a booming increase in piracy.

Is banning a solution?

As we discussed, banning will only lead to accessing these websites via illegal methods. The consumption of sex videos will increase by more than 42% in the next four years. The best thing to do is to educate youth. Educate not in terms of the education we are given in schools, but the focus should also in topics related to sex and behaviours. 

Parents and teachers should get into the scene. In a world driven by technology, even a small child can have access to these videos. So it is better to teach them about topics like sex which are considered taboo. The world is changing, and society should change too. It is important to teach your kids about sex education.